Friday, 19 July 2013

Health Food Supplements - Consumer Guide

Health food supplements are one of the hottest selling products in the market these days. Their total consumption values billions of dollars in the U.S. alone. Recent surveys show that more than half of the adults in the U.S. consume health food supplements in different forms, such as tablets, capsules, powders, soft gels, gel caps and liquids.
The increased consumption of health food supplements can be attributed to public awareness of health issues and improved standard of living in our society. Many studies have shown that there is a close correlation between health and nutrition. Insufficient supply of nutrients can weaken our body defense mechanism, causing medical problems from common ailments to more severe illnesses in the long term.
There are different types of health food supplements, including macronutrients (amino acids, proteins, essential fatty acids), micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), enzymes (digestive enzymes and antioxidant enzymes), probiotics (beneficial bacteria in the gut), and herbal supplements. These supplements have unique functions in our body. They are either essential for life and good health, modulate our immune system or help with liver detoxification, digestion, mental clarity, etc.
Many people argue that there is no need to consume health food supplements as long as you have a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet. While this may be true, the fact is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper diet is difficult to achieve by many people.
Over the past few decades, the green revolution has changed the farming practices over the world. We use more chemical fertilizers, more pesticides to grow the food produce in order to increase harvest and shorten the growth period. As a result, soil nutrients and the population of beneficial soil bacteria are depleted rapidly, and the produce we grow today contain less micronutrient than before.
A stressful lifestyle, improper eating habits, imbalanced diet and increased exposure to chemicals such as environmental pollutants (air, water) and pesticides, drugs, hormones, heavy metals in foods also weaken our body gradually.
Although health food supplements can be beneficial to our health, consumers should still choose the products carefully. Currently, there is little regulation on the quality of health food supplements. Composition of some health food products may not match the label claims and the quality of raw materials and finished products is not guaranteed. Therefore, consumers should only buy from reputable health food manufacturers, read the labels carefully and read more related literatures.
Here are some general rules for buying health food supplements:
1) Supplements made from whole foods, natural sources are better than the synthetic ones. They are more bioactive, can be absorbed readily, and less likely to be contaminated by chemicals such as coal tars used in chemical synthesis.
2) Protein-bonded vitamins and minerals (vitamins and minerals in organic form, binding to amino acids) are more bioactive than the inorganic forms.
3) Buy supplements using safe extraction methods, such as cold pressed extraction or supercritical extraction. This can avoid the harmful residue from chemical extraction.
4) Herbal concentrate and extract are usually more effective than the raw herbs.
5) Organically grown or wild crafted herbs are less likely to be contaminated by heavy metals, pesticides and other chemicals.
6) Read the labels, do not consume more than the recommended dose.
7) Be careful when consuming certain herbal supplements, such as Ma Huang / ephedra, Kava Kava, comfrey, etc. Some studies have shown that these herbs may cause severe side effects to some people. Stop use if unusual signs appear after consumption.
8) Some health food supplements may interact with drugs, either by decreasing or increasing their effects. Consult your doctor if you are currently taking medications.
9) Pregnant and nursing women, people with specific medical conditions such consult the doctors when consuming health food supplements.
10) If in doubt, contact the supplement manufacturers or distributors for more information of their products.
11) Health food supplements are available in many places, such as grocery stores, health food stores, drug stores, pharmacies, supermarkets, department stores, online stores, etc. Be a smart consumer, compare the price and service before purchase.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Advice on Choosing Health Food and Healthy Foods and Reading Nutrition Labels

Health food doesn't need a definition, does it? We all know what health food is it's yogurt and granola, whole-grain cereal and organically grown vegetables and fruit. It's 100% natural, no preservatives or dyes, unadulterated, pure. When you put all that together, you should have healthy food, yet all too often, what's marketed as health food these days barely classifies as food, let alone health food.

Take a look at one of our favorite health food choices - yogurt. It hit supermarket shelves in the early seventies, though it had been available before that in health food stores and restaurants. Real yogurt has two ingredients: milk (whole, skim or low fat) and live yogurt cultures. That's health food - calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, protein. Next time you're at the supermarket, take a look at the dairy case. You'll find row after row of hyper-sweetened brightly colored rainbow swirled and candy-sprinkled yogurt packaged in ways that appeal to our littlest consumers - children. Millions of parents buy the enticing packages, secure that because it's yogurt, they're buying food that's healthy for their children.
One look at the label, though, and it's clear that these kiddy yogurts (as well as most of the yogurt that's marketed to adults) are a far cry from heath food. Some of the most popular yogurts for children contain anywhere from 3 to 10 added teaspoons of sugar. Considering how many teaspoons of yogurt are in a single serving, you might as well hand your child the sugar bowl. In addition, most yogurts include "natural" ingredients that have little to do with health food. Ingredients like pectin (to thicken yogurt), carrageenan (a seafood extract that gives some yogurts their body, and annatto (for color) add little nutritionally to yogurt. They're in the mix to serve one main purpose: to help yogurt survive its trip from the factory to your table.
You'll find the same situation with other foods that originally made their debut as health foods in the seventies. Granola has become granola bars with chocolate chips and gooey caramel. Whole wheat flour is bleached and denuded of its flavorful kernels. Sunflower seeds are roasted in oil and salted. Even brown rice comes in the instant variety.
Healthy food not health food
The secret to feeding your family (and yourself) a healthful diet of healthy food is to read the labels. The United States Food & Drug Administration has laid out strict guidelines for nutritional labeling of all food products. The nutrition label will tell you all you need to know to choose real health foods. Some things to keep in mind when reading nutrition labels for health foods:
* In the ingredient's portion of the nutrition label, ingredients are listed in order by amount. The ingredient that's listed first is the main ingredient, followed by the next largest amount, etc.
* The nutrition facts label must list each of the required nutrients even if the food provides 0% of the recommended daily value.
* The nutrition facts label must list what portion of the food's calories is derived from fat, from sugar, from protein and from carbohydrates. It will also break down the fat into saturated and unsaturated fat.
Reading labels on everything you feed your family is the best way to tell whether a food is really a health food - or just masquerading as one.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

An Online Health Food Store Supplies More Info For Consumers on Natural Products Like Health Drinks

Online Health Food Stores have become a one-stop shop for health drinks and all natural foods that you can't find in typical supermarkets or even retail health food stores. While it's difficult these days to determine what items are really healthy and "natural" by looking at labels, online health food stores often have far more in-depth information available to consumers. Many times, products like health drinks may have only one natural ingredient, but still be labeled, "natural", which does not always mean they're healthy. This can be confusing for health conscious shoppers who want the highest quality nutrition.
Online health food stores are often much more thorough in describing the true nature of their health drinks and other products. They go to great lengths assuring customers that things like preservatives, isolated vitamins, artificial dyes or sweeteners are not included in their all natural foods and health drinks. They investigate the manufacturing facilities and processes to be certain that products are processed at low temperatures to maintain the whole food structures and live enzymes inherent in truly natural ingredients. Unfortunately, some of the so-called health drinks and all natural foods at typical stores are devoid of nutrients because of the processing and pasteurization in the packaging processes.
There has never been a better time to discover a new way of shopping for healthy products. Here are a few examples of things you will find at an online health food store that may appear the same as typical store bought items on the surface, but are vastly different in the way they are processed:
* Vitamins - At the online health food store it is more likely these are whole food vitamins, not isolated vitamins, which will give you more effective absorption of nutrients directly into your cells.
* Natural low carb and high fiber foods - These are not fake-food substitutes, but real, all natural food formulas prepared with long-term results in mind.
* Health drinks and teas - Not enhanced bottled waters or candy colored sport drinks, but herbal beverages with whole food ingredients and live enzymes.
* Alkaline Foods and Drinks - Unlike overly processed foods and drinks that create an acid ash in the bloodstream, alkaline foods and drinks support a healthy pH balance, so you can avoid health problems such as bone weakness and arthritis.
* Nutrition for athletes and pregnant women - Concentrated with many pounds of natural ingredients to produce one pound of finished product, these online health food store products provide more power in fewer calories.
Many of the all natural foods and health drinks from an online health food store are likely to contain ingredients that have been grown on small farms or even in the wilderness, without the use of harmful pesticides and chemical fertilizers that are robbing our foods of real nutrients. This is far different from mass-produced products made with so-called "natural" ingredients that have been manufactured on giant factory farms with artificial fertilizers and dangerous pesticides.
If you wouldn't use it in your own garden, then you probably won't find it in products grown for all natural foods and health drinks at an online health food store. You would be surprised to know how many non-organic foods, and even some labeled as "natural", have been grown that way. The United States Department of Agriculture defines organic food as produced by a farmer practicing soil and water conservation. In addition, they must make use of renewable resources in order to protect the environment for future generations. These are the types of all natural foods and health drinks that you will find at a reliable online health food store.
Today, some people avoid healthy lifestyle choices because they think the cost is too high or that alternative choices will rob them of modern day conveniences. However, it is important to realize that modern technology can bring those conveniences to anyone with Internet access. If you can Google, you can find an "online health food store with all natural health drinks". Don't fall into the unfortunate trap of not making the switch because you believe that you can't afford all natural foods and health drinks without making major sacrifices. It won't matter if the weather is bad or if you don't have time to get to the market. It's easy to order health drinks and other items from an online health food store with more detailed information on what you are buying than you could ever get from a typical store.
As consumers, we know that it is time to restore ourselves with nature. The quick fix and shortcuts that have rooted us in our everyday lives no longer serve us well, if they ever really did. This is not a passing fad. It is a wake up call that you see more and more as online health food store owners are leading the way for a green generation to discover a better way of shopping for truly all natural foods and health drinks.
As the owner of an online health food store, Cliff Smith has firsthand knowledge of the highest quality all natural foods and health drinks available today. He created the site's Alkaline Food Test as a way for consumers to understand the importance of a healthy alkaline/acid balance in their daily diet. Cliff is a serious athlete who has logged thousands of miles on his mountain bike over rugged terrain throughout the southwestern United States. In addition, he has worked as a radio personality, professional actor and voiceover artist since 1980 performing on television, in movies, commercials and hundreds of other audio/video presentations.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Healthy foods to take on a camping trip

As camping becomes an increasingly popular choice for a budget break many people may be conscious that it may be difficult to maintain a healthy diet, when they consider the more usual camping foods. For convenience many people stock up on freeze dried camping dinners which are processed and contain additives and preservatives which you may not want in a boil in the bag dinner. Traditional camping choices of hot dogs are a step too far for anyone interested in healthy food as they must near the top of the charts as an unhealthy option of dubious meat parts.

Taking your own food along to cook is really the healthiest option but if you are planning the type of camping trip which involves carrying your food around with you many options won’t keep well without being refrigerated. However this does not rule out some healthy foods which you can pack and take along with you.

A bag of oats will make a satisfying and filling start to the day, is lightweight to carry and can easily be prepared over the camp fire. They are a good source of fiber and will give you plenty of energy for the day’s activities. Dried fruits such as figs, cranberries and apricots are a good choice to take along.

Although dried fruits are more sugar dense than fresh fruits they are a good camping choice as they will remain fresh whereas fresh fruit might spoil in the elements. Citrus fruits with firm skins should be fine though such as lemon and limes, and can be eaten as refreshing fruits or added to water for a refreshing change or used in campfire cooking.

Potatoes are an excellent vitamin source and so versatile. They can be wrapped in foil and roasted on the embers of the fire, or sliced and fried inolive oil. Corn on the cob is another vegetable option which will carry well and can also be roasted in foil on the embers.

Well wrapped whole grain bread can be carried along and toasted over the fire. Take along a small bottle of olive oil and a garlic head, and rub a cut garlic clove over the bread, drizzle with olive oil and then toast until the bread has absorbed the flavors.

These are just a few of the healthy foods you can take with you on your camping trip which will be easy to carry and simple to cook, whilst not spoiling, and providing you with plenty of nutrients. Camping does not mean you need to forgo healthy eating if you plan ahead.

by Katerina Nikolas

Sunday, 14 July 2013

How to make fast food healthy

There are two principal perspectives from which we can consider how to make fast food healthy. We can consider how we can go about buying the healthiest conventional fast food available and we can alternatively consider how we can redefine fast food altogether in order to give it a healthier slant.
When we think of fast food, what do most of us essentially think of? The answer will change dependant upon our geographical location but such as cheeseburgers, pizza and baskets of chicken pieces have now pretty much found their way around the world. We all know the big name chains which supply those items to the hungry global market and see them in most towns and cities of even medium size.
If we expand our thinking, however, it is entirely possible to choose outlets which do not rely on the grease, the salt and the sugar that make so many of these fast food items so unhealthy. A number of years ago, for example, I was working in a location where a Subway had just opened. I had never previously so much as heard of the chain but decided to at the very least give it a try. I was very pleasantly surprised by the range of at least seemingly healthy fayre they offered and thoroughly enjoyed what were a number of meals I purchased from the outlet.
What we can also look at in this respect is considering alternatives to the big fast food outlets. The reality is that there may well be a perfectly acceptable deli or sandwich bar close to our preferred traditional fast food outlet which, for a similar price, affords us the option of such as freshly cut meats, salad and real bread, as opposed to the sugar and salt saturated traditional burger buns.
The second way in which we can look at how to make fast food healthy is simply to consider the term, "Fast food," in its literal sense. If we do so, we will realise that the biggest attraction of fast food in general is that it is essentially ready almost as soon as we wish to eat it. We do not have to spend a great deal of time preparing it nor wait while someone else does.
If we consider fast food in this way, we can include such as fresh fruit, fresh vegetables which merely have to be washed and chopped and even fresh, pre-cooked meats from a supermarket or the likes. These items are in a sense even faster than our traditional perception of fast food and are so much better for our health that detailed comparison is not necessary.
In summation, the best way to make fast food healthy is to simply put a little thought in to the matter. By all means consider the points I have raised but I am equally sure that every person reading this article will be able to add further ideas of their own to the list.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

How to fit healthy foods into your lifestyle

There has been added attention on living a healthier lifestyle and exercising with initiatives like Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” and Jamie Oliver’s “Food Revolution.” Although more people are thinking of changing the way they eat for the positive, it can be difficult when there are certain lifestyle aspects that can cause hindrances. However, it’s relatively easy to fit healthy foods into your lifestyle by simply following a few tips that will give you a different frame of mind when it comes to healthy eating.

While it’s ideal to eat home-cooked dinners every night and keep a detailed record of your calorie intake, it can seem almost impossible when your lifestyle calls for a busy and hectic work schedule without enough time to cook proper dinners at home. For many people, dining out is a way of life that is more convenient and less time consuming than actual cooking at home.

Also, for those working long hours without little sustenance to get through the day, it can be daunting to think of cooking a nutritious and healthy meal once you’ve left the office. So, dining out is the usual resort to those with busy lifestyles with long work hours with little breaks.

However, it’s possible to fit healthy foods into your dining out options by simply making a few changes in your ordering habits. Healthy food doesn’t mean you will be forced to order salads at every meal. In fact, many salads are more fattening than people realize because of all the add-ons with the pastas, cheeses, meats and thick salad dressing.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to mean bland, tasteless food. However, it does mean knowing the foods that are high in nutrition, low on fat and portion control for your eating habits. Fitting these details into your dining-out lifestyle can mean swapping out your side of creamy pasta salad for some steamed vegetables and swapping out the large steak for some seared salmon. The meal can be flavorful and filling while still adhering to the healthy food diet you’re focused on.

Some lifestyles call for an abundance in travel, whether it’s in the car or on a plane. Whatever the case, fast food is usually the only quick and convenient meal that is available on-the-go. Those with high traffic lifestyles can feel inhibited with their food choices because fast food is renowned for its greasy and high fat content.

However, recent times have really started to change the options in fast food drive-thru’s. McDonald’s features a full menu with items all less than 400 calories, Wendy’s offers customers the ability to build a meal for around 550 calories and everyone knows about the infamous Subway diet.

Implementing healthy food into a lifestyle that calls for an abundance in fast food doesn’t have to be a major obstacle to healthy living. The important thing is to stay informed on the nutritional facts of the items on the menu. The majority of fast food restaurants offer their nutritional facts for their menu items on their website and this is a good way to track your calorie intake. This is also good for creating a meal plan for high traffic times for when you are on-the-go and in need of food. Taking the extra steps to find the best healthy food in a fast food lifestyle can really make a difference.

Whatever the lifestyle you may have, it is possible to implement healthy foods into your daily routine. The important thing is to let go of excuses and road blocks. Try to work around your circumstance to build a healthier lifestyle and a healthier life.

by Sara Lugardo

How to find healthy food at a restaurant

Deep fried.  Super sweet.  Buttered heavily.  Although these terms might sound good, they are not exactly good for our bodies.  It can be quite the challenge to find healthy food at a restaurant.   However, if you know how to look and what to ask, you will be likely to find something at almost every restaurant you go to.  The following are tips on finding healthy food at a restaurant.

Do they tell you what is healthy?

Some restaurants will actually mark on their menu the healthy foods.  They may have special section that they mark as light or healthy.  They may have some sort of notation next to the items that are better for you on different dimensions.  They will often give some nutritional information right on the menu for those.  Be careful, though.  Just because they deem it as healthy does not mean that it is so.  It is usually healthier than their other food but that does not mean healthy. 

A lot of restaurants will also have a brochure with nutritional information.  You can look through there, and pick out the healthier items.  You cannot always tell from the name of something whether it is healthy.  Even vegetables can have loads of butter in them to turn a healthy meal unhealthy.  Salads draped in dressings, croutons and bacon can go from healthy to unhealthy in sixty seconds flat. 

Hold the mayo.

One way to get healthier food is to ask them to hold the potions of the meal that are unhealthy.  Many restaurants, even fast food ones, will often allow you to hold different portions.  For instance, many restaurants offer a veggie burger.  However, on top of it, they may put mayonnaise, cheese and generously buttered bread.  This can add a great deal of calories and fat.  You can ask if they can hold those things.  In the aforementioned salad, you can ask if they can put the dressing on the side so that you can just dip a little of it.  You can ask for just a little or no croutons or bacon bits.  If you get some sort of dish with oil in it such as a pasta or vegetables you can often ask for light or no oil.  These can all make it much healthier.

Can I have vegetables instead of the fries?

Many restaurants will allow you to substitute different items.  Instead of French fries you can often get a baked potato.  Of course, be careful about loading it with cheese and sour cream.  You can often also substitute a vegetable instead.  Ask for it steamed and not heavily buttered.
Use common sense

Some of it is common sense, although healthy sounding items can be unhealthy.  Obviously, most items like deep fried chicken, oily pizza, creamy pastas and heavy red meat are bad for you.  Grilled poultry and many fishes tend to be better for you.  Again be on the lookout for ways they may make it unhealthy.

Ask the chef

The chef will have an idea of what is healthy and not.  You can ask to speak to him or her.  Often they will be able to accommodate you. 
Get a restaurant guide

There are books you can buy that list the nutritional information of different chain restaurants.  Much of this information can also be found on the Internet.
Eating healthy is important and can extend your life.  If you take the time and effort, you can usually eat healthy when eating out. 

Friday, 12 July 2013

Healthy' foods that that are actually bad for you

The world of food can be confusing. Those that are labeled as nutritious and healthy are often laden with chemicals, fat and sugar. Misinformation spun from the mouths of retailers and food producers can leave the average consumer in a spin, not knowing what is good to eat and what to avoid. Understanding which so called healthy foods are actually bad for you can help prevent you making a mistake.


Granola may come in the form of a health bar meant as snack food or as topping to sprinkle on yogurts and puddings. Most people think of it as healthy because it is advertised as being wholesome and full of goodness. Unfortunately, the truth is that it is made from white flour and corn syrup, which is not exactly healthy. White flour has all the goodness removed from it and syrup is full of sugar.

Pretzels, white pasta, white bread, and muffins

The same could be said of pretzels, as they have no real nutritional value, only added unnatural flavor that cannot be good for you. White foods, which invariably have been bleached, are stripped of their natural goodness. Their fibrous content is removed and they may be regarded as empty calories. Many have sugar added to them to make them more appealing, but their browner cousins, such as brown rice and wholemeal bread, are far healthier.

Baked beans

Most people are aware that baked beans have plenty of fiber and assume this means that canned varieties are good for them. Sadly, so much sugar is added that this makes them far less healthy than they are imagined to be.


Smart-foods are labeled as being healthy and have flavor added to make them more interesting and tasty. Cheesy popcorn and cheesy rice cakes come under this heading. Rice cakes have virtually no flavor when unadulterated, because there is nothing much to them. Popcorn on the other hand, can be good with just a little salt added to increase flavor. Add toffee or cheese and these foods are no longer healthy snacks.

Fruit juice

What could be wrong with fruit juice you may wonder? There is probably nothing wrong with concentrated juice with no sugar added. In fact, this is a healthy drink. However, read the labels on fruit juice products before you buy them to make sure sugar has not been added, otherwise you may as well sit and eat spoonfuls of sugar and wash them down with water.
Yogurt with added fruit

Live yogurt is good for you, and you can add fresh fruit to it if you like, but avoid yogurt with fruit already added to it, as it is likely to contain corn syrup too.

Soy products

Soy products have been touted as being healthy for decades. They do not usually contain many calories and are perfect for vegetarians who need protein, or are they? Soy has been linked to several types of cancer and infertility.

Low fat salad dressing

Quite often, when fat is taken out of a product it is replaced by sugar, and salad dressings are not generally an exception to this rule. Worse still, the food they are put on can be less beneficial when coated with it than without, as their nutritional contents cannot be absorbed into your body.

Diet soda

Sugar is taken out which is great. However, it is replaced with carcinogenic sweeteners to die for. It is likely that it also contains caffeine that will dehydrate you too.

Now you have discovered that some of the food you considered healthy is bad for you you are probably wondering what is left to eat that is good for you. Brown rice, brown bread, whole-wheat pasta, live yogurts, homemade salad dressing with olive oil and freshly squeezed juice is healthy, as are dried beans ready to soak before use.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Healthy food cooking

Healthy food cooking, including lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, coupled with a great exercise regimen, should help you maintain a healthy body!

Today, with everyone's hectic lives, it's much easier to pick up fast food, or use the microwave to pop in a frozen entree, than to prepare fresh meat and vegetables. This, however, is not a healthy pattern of eating to follow, and may be detrimental and contribute to future health problems. There are however, ways to improve your food and cooking methods,to achieve healthy food cooking and maintain a balanced diet that enhances your health.

Here are some suggestions for healthy food cooking methods.

First of all, be health conscious when you are at the grocery store buying your food. Try and plan meals using fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean meats, such as chicken and turkey, as well as, incorporating fish in your diet.  Remember, whole foods tend to be the best choice for maintaining a healthy diet. Whole foods includes any, meat, vegetables, and fruit that have not been processed and packaged, by adding extra preservatives and additives, that your body doesn't need.

Next, plan meals that you can easily prepare the night before or put in a crock pot if you're pressed for time when you get home from work. For example, a chicken stew made with fresh carrots, celery, potatoes, and whatever other vegetables you desire, is easy to prepare in the morning since you just add all your ingredients together in the crock pot with some chicken broth.

Remember don't fry foods. Either bake or grill your food, as this is the better alternative for healthy cooking. You don't need the added oils and grease that frying usually calls for. Be creative adding a little extra spices or seasonings to enhance the flavor of your food. You'll be happier in the long run, when you avoid developing any conditions that may have been attributed to the negative effects fried foods can bring.

Another tip for healthy cooking is the color of your food. If your meal includes a variety of color such as green, red, and yellow, you are probably including the different vegetables and fruits that are necessary in your diet. Don't forget that all the food groups are essential in planning a healthy diet.

Try and avoid prepared and processed foods such as can, boxed, or prepackaged,in lieu of,all natural foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and dairy products.

Try baking fresh products from scratch, such as bread, rolls, or healthy fruit desserts. The freshly, baked items have a better flavor than processed foods, and are free of the added trans fat many of them contain, to promote a longer shelf life at the grocery store.

To develop healthy food cooking habits, remember to think about nature and foods that are already obtainable without being processed, as well as, how you prepare your food and you'll soon be eating healthier and feeling better.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

How to buy healthy food on a budget

It is important to eat healthy food to live better and longer.  A lot of people are on a budget nowadays, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t eat in a way that is good for your body.  Consider the following money saving strategies.

Consider wholesale clubs and other discount stores

Many of the wholesale clubs offer healthier foods at the same discount that you can get their general food.  For instance, they have a lot of frozen food that is organic and very healthy for you.  Vegetables have been associated with lower risks of cancer, heart diseasehigh blood pressure and other conditions.  Costco offers big bags of organic frozen broccoli florets, corn, mixed vegetables and more.  They also sell big bags of a lot of fruits such as blueberries.  You can buy fresh fruits and vegetables for very inexpensive as well, such as watermelons for $3.99 at time.  They have a lot of organic foods and other healthy choices.  There are other discount stores that offer similar savings as well.

Look for coupons

Many healthy foods have coupons.  For instance, you will often find coupons on organic baby food such as the Earth’s Best brand.  You might be able to use a manufacturer’s coupon or use a coupon from a particular store.  Look in your Sunday newspaper to see what deals there are.
Look for sales

Just like unhealthy food, healthier foods go on sale also.  Look for these deals at the various retailers from which you buy.

Look at farmer’s markets

A lot of farmer’s markets have very healthy foods but are very reasonable.  Also, there are co-ops in some places where you can pay a reasonable price for a share of some crops.  There are even some farms that let you pick your own fruits for very reasonable prices.

Buy in bulk

You can look for healthy food that comes in bulk.  For instance, you may find a big bag of brown rice.  You will often find that it is less per unit when you buy in larger quantities.

Look on the Internet

There are many places where you can buy healthy food off of the Internet. now has a grocery section where they have a lot of healthy foods for very good prices.  Make sure that you buy from somewhere that is safe and you trust.

A lot of times healthier foods are just cheaper in general.  For instance, a banana is very good for you and fairly inexpensive.  Look through your grocery store and follow the above tips to eat healthy on a budget.

by Suzanne Rose

Best foods for a healthy heart

It is very important for people to eat heart healthy foods. It may seem boring sometimes, but in the long run eathing healthy foods will be well worth it. Actually, many heart healthy foods are delicious to eat.

Apples make a delicious desert, they provide an anti-inflammatory called quercetin, which is a phytochemical and helps to prevent blood clots. Apples come in many different flavors from sweet to sour and also provide fiber and vitamins to keep the whole body healthy which is great for the heart.

Salmon is not a fish that everyone loves but it is great for the heart. It provides omega 3 fatty acids that reduce blood clotrisks and inflammation, which is beneficial to the heart. Cholesterol levels can be kept at healthy levels by ingesting these fats. Other fish such as sardines, herring and tuna contain the same omega 3 fatty acids and should be eaten at least two times a week.
Oats are great for the heart because they contain beta glucan, a soluble fiber that assists in reducing LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol. The digestive system is also kept healthy with soluble fiber. It does is most beneficial for the heart to eat a bowl of oatmeal each day.

Olive oil is great for the heart. Just a small amount of this healthy oil lowers LDL cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

Cholesterol levels are also kept low by eating Vitamin E, which is found in Almonds and other nuts. This oil also provides good levels of fiber and protein. Nuts are an excellent heart healthy snack.

 Folate is found in green leafy vegetables. Folate keeps homocystein levels down. Green leafy vegetables also contain vitamin E. They are delicious and great for the heart.

Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene and vitamins. Heart disease risk has been known to be reduced by lycopene. Eating tomatoes each day whether on a sandwich or in a sauce is an excellent way to get a strong dose of lycopene.

Red wine is loaded with resveratrol, an antioxidant that is very good for the heart. Wine must be consumed in moderation for it to be healthy for the heart. If it is abused it is no longer healthy and can be damaging.

The heart is a very important organ and must be well cared for. It is best to eat foods that are good for the heart most of the time.  Other foods can be eaten in moderation but to maintain a healthy heart a person should always eat mostly heart healthy foods.