Monday, 15 July 2013

Healthy foods to take on a camping trip

As camping becomes an increasingly popular choice for a budget break many people may be conscious that it may be difficult to maintain a healthy diet, when they consider the more usual camping foods. For convenience many people stock up on freeze dried camping dinners which are processed and contain additives and preservatives which you may not want in a boil in the bag dinner. Traditional camping choices of hot dogs are a step too far for anyone interested in healthy food as they must near the top of the charts as an unhealthy option of dubious meat parts.

Taking your own food along to cook is really the healthiest option but if you are planning the type of camping trip which involves carrying your food around with you many options won’t keep well without being refrigerated. However this does not rule out some healthy foods which you can pack and take along with you.

A bag of oats will make a satisfying and filling start to the day, is lightweight to carry and can easily be prepared over the camp fire. They are a good source of fiber and will give you plenty of energy for the day’s activities. Dried fruits such as figs, cranberries and apricots are a good choice to take along.

Although dried fruits are more sugar dense than fresh fruits they are a good camping choice as they will remain fresh whereas fresh fruit might spoil in the elements. Citrus fruits with firm skins should be fine though such as lemon and limes, and can be eaten as refreshing fruits or added to water for a refreshing change or used in campfire cooking.

Potatoes are an excellent vitamin source and so versatile. They can be wrapped in foil and roasted on the embers of the fire, or sliced and fried inolive oil. Corn on the cob is another vegetable option which will carry well and can also be roasted in foil on the embers.

Well wrapped whole grain bread can be carried along and toasted over the fire. Take along a small bottle of olive oil and a garlic head, and rub a cut garlic clove over the bread, drizzle with olive oil and then toast until the bread has absorbed the flavors.

These are just a few of the healthy foods you can take with you on your camping trip which will be easy to carry and simple to cook, whilst not spoiling, and providing you with plenty of nutrients. Camping does not mean you need to forgo healthy eating if you plan ahead.

by Katerina Nikolas


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