Saturday, 13 July 2013

How to find healthy food at a restaurant

Deep fried.  Super sweet.  Buttered heavily.  Although these terms might sound good, they are not exactly good for our bodies.  It can be quite the challenge to find healthy food at a restaurant.   However, if you know how to look and what to ask, you will be likely to find something at almost every restaurant you go to.  The following are tips on finding healthy food at a restaurant.

Do they tell you what is healthy?

Some restaurants will actually mark on their menu the healthy foods.  They may have special section that they mark as light or healthy.  They may have some sort of notation next to the items that are better for you on different dimensions.  They will often give some nutritional information right on the menu for those.  Be careful, though.  Just because they deem it as healthy does not mean that it is so.  It is usually healthier than their other food but that does not mean healthy. 

A lot of restaurants will also have a brochure with nutritional information.  You can look through there, and pick out the healthier items.  You cannot always tell from the name of something whether it is healthy.  Even vegetables can have loads of butter in them to turn a healthy meal unhealthy.  Salads draped in dressings, croutons and bacon can go from healthy to unhealthy in sixty seconds flat. 

Hold the mayo.

One way to get healthier food is to ask them to hold the potions of the meal that are unhealthy.  Many restaurants, even fast food ones, will often allow you to hold different portions.  For instance, many restaurants offer a veggie burger.  However, on top of it, they may put mayonnaise, cheese and generously buttered bread.  This can add a great deal of calories and fat.  You can ask if they can hold those things.  In the aforementioned salad, you can ask if they can put the dressing on the side so that you can just dip a little of it.  You can ask for just a little or no croutons or bacon bits.  If you get some sort of dish with oil in it such as a pasta or vegetables you can often ask for light or no oil.  These can all make it much healthier.

Can I have vegetables instead of the fries?

Many restaurants will allow you to substitute different items.  Instead of French fries you can often get a baked potato.  Of course, be careful about loading it with cheese and sour cream.  You can often also substitute a vegetable instead.  Ask for it steamed and not heavily buttered.
Use common sense

Some of it is common sense, although healthy sounding items can be unhealthy.  Obviously, most items like deep fried chicken, oily pizza, creamy pastas and heavy red meat are bad for you.  Grilled poultry and many fishes tend to be better for you.  Again be on the lookout for ways they may make it unhealthy.

Ask the chef

The chef will have an idea of what is healthy and not.  You can ask to speak to him or her.  Often they will be able to accommodate you. 
Get a restaurant guide

There are books you can buy that list the nutritional information of different chain restaurants.  Much of this information can also be found on the Internet.
Eating healthy is important and can extend your life.  If you take the time and effort, you can usually eat healthy when eating out. 


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