Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Best foods for a healthy heart

It is very important for people to eat heart healthy foods. It may seem boring sometimes, but in the long run eathing healthy foods will be well worth it. Actually, many heart healthy foods are delicious to eat.

Apples make a delicious desert, they provide an anti-inflammatory called quercetin, which is a phytochemical and helps to prevent blood clots. Apples come in many different flavors from sweet to sour and also provide fiber and vitamins to keep the whole body healthy which is great for the heart.

Salmon is not a fish that everyone loves but it is great for the heart. It provides omega 3 fatty acids that reduce blood clotrisks and inflammation, which is beneficial to the heart. Cholesterol levels can be kept at healthy levels by ingesting these fats. Other fish such as sardines, herring and tuna contain the same omega 3 fatty acids and should be eaten at least two times a week.
Oats are great for the heart because they contain beta glucan, a soluble fiber that assists in reducing LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol. The digestive system is also kept healthy with soluble fiber. It does is most beneficial for the heart to eat a bowl of oatmeal each day.

Olive oil is great for the heart. Just a small amount of this healthy oil lowers LDL cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

Cholesterol levels are also kept low by eating Vitamin E, which is found in Almonds and other nuts. This oil also provides good levels of fiber and protein. Nuts are an excellent heart healthy snack.

 Folate is found in green leafy vegetables. Folate keeps homocystein levels down. Green leafy vegetables also contain vitamin E. They are delicious and great for the heart.

Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene and vitamins. Heart disease risk has been known to be reduced by lycopene. Eating tomatoes each day whether on a sandwich or in a sauce is an excellent way to get a strong dose of lycopene.

Red wine is loaded with resveratrol, an antioxidant that is very good for the heart. Wine must be consumed in moderation for it to be healthy for the heart. If it is abused it is no longer healthy and can be damaging.

The heart is a very important organ and must be well cared for. It is best to eat foods that are good for the heart most of the time.  Other foods can be eaten in moderation but to maintain a healthy heart a person should always eat mostly heart healthy foods.


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